We know group insurance.
We provide end-to-end service and keep it simple for you. From working with you to design a plan to issuing pay-direct drug cards; from taking care of claims to answering all your questions and more, we’re with you every step of the way.
We provide a full line of benefits.
Whether it’s life insurance, disability, health or dental benefits – we have you covered.
Our group registered retirement savings plans give you and your employees a solid plan for the future while saving on taxes today.
Check out our full list below.
In the event of your death, natural or accidental, this benefit will pay your beneficiary a specified amount.
In the event of your accidental death, this benefit will pay your beneficiary (in addition to the Employee Life Insurance) a specified amount. This benefit will also pay specified amounts for ‘dismemberments’.
In the event of the death of your spouse, or the death of one of your dependent children, this benefit will pay you a specified amount.
Should you become totally disabled on a short term basis, on or off the job, this benefit will pay you a specified weekly amount.
Should you become totally disabled on a long term basis, on or off the job, this benefit will pay you a specified monthly amount.
The Extended Health Care benefit “wraps around” your provincial medical coverage, and provides payment of eligible health expenses for employees and dependents. For example, prescriptions drugs, paramedical services, etc.
The Dental benefit provides payment of eligible dental expenses for employees and dependents. For example, x-rays, routine examinations, fillings, etc.
Available to each insured employee (and his/her dependents) when there is a need for counselling for personal, family, or work-related issues. The assistance may be provided by phone, email, or in person, but all communication is confidential and is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Offers financial help to pay the costs associated with life-altering illnesses. If you become sick with a covered illness and survive the waiting period, you’ll receive a lump-sum cash payment.
A Group RRSP is a collection of individual RRSPs grouped for ease of management and administration that provide retirement income for employees, and spouses. Group RRSPs are a great way to retain key and loyal employees, help employees start on the road to retirement security, and immediately lower the tax withheld from salary. Many employers have opted to implement a Group RRSP in lieu of a pension plan for ease of administration.
Individual health and dental coverage is available to employees (and their dependents) when coverage terminates under the group insurance policy, regardless of the reason for the termination of coverage – for example, retirement, attainment of the limiting age under the group policy, or, moving from full-time to part-time employment. In addition, individual coverage is available to dependent children whose coverage under the group policy is terminated due to age, and to ‘contract’ individuals.
Coverage is available to extend the coverage provided under the group insurance plan.
Let us provide you with the best possible group insurance.
Call us today at 1.800.265.2178